
Rummaging through old memories

I've decided to take a peek at my old writing files and search for any piece of literature that is worth posting. Some great writer wrote at some point in his life many years ago, that it's always better to keep on writing till you hit the mark. It's good and all to be one of those incredibly prolific writers who can dish out stuff like he's breathing high octane air, but for the rest of us mere mortals, inspiration is a hard bitch to come by. Sometimes even ritual sacrifices are in order to satisfy the lazy muse that's been too busy to answer your calls cause she'd rather spend her time texting her other muse friends explaining to them her recent breakup with her satyr boyfriend.

In any case, I intend at some point to post some of my verborragic crap here for anyone who sadly manages to come upon my little place by accident. Sort of like when you're driving from one big town to another and suddenly your car breaks down in the middle of Godknowswhere (population: 11 by the way) and then find that the little mom and pop diner in the town serves the best cake you've had in years.

I hope the cake isn't too stale.

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