
It's been a while

I'm not in cryostasis or some weird Fringe Science thing.  I'm just a lazy bastard who's too busy right now.  I'll get back soon.


Month and a Half

So before the start of my Sankt Gallen experience, I will be loafing and enjoying the small things in life: food, books, Revell model kits, pipe-smoking, etc.


The Power Switch

TigerShark - 11 Foot Power Switch :: Volkl Ski Company

This is the motherfucking king of speedfreaks. It is my mission in life to get something as awesome as this into my skiing arsenal.


Tuesday — Everything, By Everyone — Everything, By Everyone

This is literally the place where one gets a heavy dosage of Internet and Flash fix. Trust me, you wont leave this place very quickly.


Goddamn Templates!!

I really don't know which one I should stick with.  I hate myself right now.

New Post Editor...and I'm back!

It's been a while since I've written here, but I missed my little patch of virtual space and decided to cultivate it a little bit further, now with blogger's improved post editor.  Well so much for product placement.


The Start of a New Semester

This time around I am not taking any notebooks or pens. It's a waste of paper, but I do have to take coursework and whatnot. The rest is being kept on my trusty laptop. Oh and installing Windows 7 is a bitch!!


Prolonged Abscence

Exams ended in December, but I've been having a blast in my holidays thus the need to post on this blog has decreased.

Nevertheless I do miss the interwebs and its whacky coolness.
