
I Live, I Die, I Live Again

Taking a page from the Immortan Joe 'How-To Guide' I have decided to resurrect this blog for my own personal amusement.  It won't contain anything revolutionary, but I like the minimalist approach and randomness of this tiny little real-estate afforded to me to both express and delude myself into thinking that I am some sort of unappreciated genius of my time.

One can hope I guess.

I think I will use this blog to try out my fledgling attempts at writing some coherent novel.  Monk Storm still persists in my head and I want to write this goddamn action story once and for all.  It may contain purple prose, it may be terse, but I need to write down something.

One thing I have learned after watching MMFR is that showing is better than telling.  Hence I have promised myself to stop my verborragic lawyering tendencies and actually follow the Hemingway school of 'shut the fuck up and go kill a bear with your bear hands' way of writing.

Wish me luck.